My Gratitude List Continued...
Sunday, November 6 2011
1. A friend who also delivered two weeks late. She understands that it's more than just one more week.
2. Ham. It's delicious.
3. My dad for words of comfort on a rough day.
Monday, November 7, 2011
1. West Wing. Sometimes all it takes is an old favorite to make a new obsession.
2. Delicious homemade dinner. Sometimes I outdo myself. Sometimes.
3. Cary coming home early--just because he knew it would make me happy.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
1. Finishing sewing projects
2. Mom for helping me finish those projects
3. Shopping in Cary. All their stores have way better stock and selection than Durham. What's with that?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
1. The good nurse at my dr practice. She's perhaps the only one--and she makes up for the rest of the stupid people at that practice.
2. Jamie. She wrote an awesome letter to baby girl, that reminded me just how many people are also anxiously awaiting her arrival.
3. A great home teacher who was able to help Cary give me a blessing.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
1, 2, 3. I'm scheduled to go to the hospital tonight!!!!! I seriously couldn't be more grateful. It has been a very physically painful week (with an extremely painful end coming I'm sure), and I'm soooo excited to say adios to pregnancy. I seriously couldn't be happier.
1 week ago
Seriously, a great dinner can make a crappy day feel SO much better. And I'm happy you're going to the hospital tonight! Good luck!
Good luck, good luck! Tell heather to call me when you have your baby!
yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay! so excited for you!
Good luck! I'm so happy for you!
Sad day. I got so excited when I saw "Jamie" on your grateful list and then I realized you meant your sister. Guess I'll actually need to do something to make you grateful....I am really excited about lil Miss Zoey makin her debut on 11-11-11 though!
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