I've been home for the past two weeks and I've realized that my family might have some small issues with communication.
For those who think I am judgemental and unfairly assessing my family (cause what do I know, when I only come home for Christmas). I say to you, good point. However, here are just two examples from dinner.
Emily: "Yeah my flight leaves at 3 pm and lands at 10 pm."
Mom: "Isn't that amazing that planes are so fast. Although I really liked Mammoth park."
Ummm yes... many faces from Carla... followed by, "I'm sorry, those two sentences are in no way correlated? Am I the only one who is lost?"
(Translation for you: Yes, planes are fast; however, because we drove to Missouri we were able to stop at Mammoth park, which I really enjoyed.)
Now, as though one example ever proved anything. Enter Heather.
Emily: "I really want to learn how to can."
Heather: "Canning requires sugar."
Well, clearly canning requires sugar, so I suppose you would have to hear Heather's tone, but it was said as though sugar was a huge problem. Eventually the missing conversation was explained to me (Emily is on a no sugar diet).
I get what you're thinking... these aren't a big deal Carla. But imagine a whole dinner with sentences missing and soon you're in a puddle of despair wondering what happened to basic english.
May, I also point out that Emily (the english professor) is the common link in these two stories. Just saying...
3 days ago
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